I became a Christian as an adult and I've heard words like redemption, salvation, glory, kingdom of God...but do I really know what they mean? I love quotes, Albert Einstein said if you can't explain something simply, you don't understand it well enough.
My friend's brother prayed for our son who has a neurological disability due to birth trauma. We've been through 5 years of anguish that's remained constant. Some progress, but not much.
Mark, the man who prayed, told me to research the "ancient gates" see what you find, and apply the blood of Jesus. He didn't go into much detail, that was it. I love anything and everything deep and spiritual so I dived in. Me and google, dived in that is.
I found a great article describing the ancient gates of the temple in Jerusalem (www.kotipetripaavola.comJerusalemgatesspiritualmeaning.html) I will do my best to summarize what I've learned about the spiritual significance about these gates, starting with the most important, sheep gate.