Finding Nemo is deeply connected to my journey with Tage. Tage stayed home with the stomach flu today and I put that movie on for him. Way back when, I "felt" Jesus sit on the couch with me, arm around my shoulder, pointing out the symbolisms as it relates to me & Tage throughout that movie.
I blogged about it before. Here's new insights: the aquarium Nemo was trapped in is like Tage's brain, it traps him because of the neurological disconnect. Marlin persevered desperate measures to find Nemo. Dory was the friend he needed because she never questioned or doubted their journey. She cheered him on the whole way & was adopted into their little family in the end. She needed them too.
Our pastor gave the analogy of taking on someone's case like on those cops/lawyer shows. There's usually boxes of evidence etc to pour through, that's how it should be when we pray for each other. We take on each others case.
Jesus will heal your broken emotions even if he doesn't heal Tage is the latest. Even my pastor who I deeply admire said the same. I know that's true. But here's my scripted response for the next time: this journey has been very painful. This isn't a theological issue or understanding about healing for me. This is about my son, & it's very personal. I'll leave the how/when etc regarding Tage's brain being healed up to Jesus. And the work He's doing in my heart between us as well.....anyway that's a rough draft maybe I'll polish it up a bit. By the way-Tage's brain is disconnected from birth trauma & neurological pathways can be rerouted & reconnected with the right therapies. So there.
Marlin reunited with Nemo after a long, hard, & painful journey that took a huge leap of faith. He was stuck in the whales mouth until he let go & trusted. He's called to let go even after being reunited. Okay now he's back in your arms, ready-let go (explore the drop off). Marlin's comedic timing developed & he told his joke successfully by the end too.
God has called me to stand up comedy & someone with really poor judgement keeps booking me gigs. Talk about a leap of faith. My natural personality has the marred after effects of bullying I endured when I was younger. Speaking up, not my usual. But God is calling me anyway. I will have had 4 performances in December. We'll see what the future brings but it's funny-as I continue to leap out in this drastic form of obedience, my faith is now so much more secure. I'm doing a lot of re routing myself. Merry Christmas & happy new year. I'll be re routing until we read again.