Knowledge pouring into my head. Stuffing, spills out. Out of ears, falls flat. Fill head with more, sloshes around skull. Sits on top of my brain-apathy. Like a woman in labor, pushing with her face so no life is birthed. Only empty breaths.
Truths slides easily down belief. Down down from the head, down my neck, into the cavity of my chest, penetrating my heart. Like a sperm penetrates an egg. Truth penetrating and impregnating my heart, where the green seat of faith rests. Yellow roses blossoming. Plucked from my heart's fertilized soil and adorned in my hair. Freedom says Arise!
Pride points ugly crooked finger and accusses. Accusations adopted, and soil turns cold. Cold, frigid shame. Yellow roses do not exist here, it is a prisoners wasteland.
Pride and shame try to abort the impregnated heart of truth. Death. Death tries to steal the boy I love. Mangled brain nerves, pathways misfiring, broken..pushing out breaths instead of birthing life. Blue grace falls down. Butterflies reminding inside Tage although trapped, is something beautful yet to be birthed. Ladybugs surround all sing the same song God is faithful God is faithful, He is faithful and mighty to save.
I wait. And while I wait I ache for something beautiful.
Sticky, clinging blue grace falls like rain. Pursues and holds. Little girl who grew up to disconnect and feel alone. Grace throws the net over and hovers, doesn't leave. Like a birds nest, housing warmth and inviting life to spring forth.
Grace is seed. Provided, entrusted. Tilling the soil of trust, harvest. He makes all things beautful. Sun, arise!