Jacob's cry ignited a world wide campaign to stop evil. Deep, buried in the pit of his soul, where he dares not enter if he can help it. The pit seals off to trap the trauma and horror of seeing his brother brutally murdered. He wished he had died with him. Death, a welcome friend now even though there's so much life yet to live. But his life is a crowded camp surrounded by rebellion lurking and seeking, destroying lives, innocence... A gentle filmmaker's question, a compassionate man. Young boy trying to be brave answers. In heaven...it will be better. The seal breaks open, a cry gushes forth. A cry that screams of pain, terror, longing for his brother, and fear of a world that has been cruel at barbaric levels. The filmmaker stops. And kindly, gently says it's okay Jacob. It's okay. We. will. stop. him.
Jacob's cry is my cry, I realized one sleepless night. After the dried up sadness is released and tears long lost are shed. The filmaker's response is the Holy Spirit's answer. It's okay. It's okay. We can colabor, and conquer the evil of this world together. Longing for this trial to be done, knowing it's not over yet. In heaven where brothers viciously slain are alive and well, in heaven where my boy is set free from being trapped by his injured brain. God of heaven come down...Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.