Struggle from the grips of a chrysalis, it is laborious. I beg for deliverance, for the sticky hands to loose their grip on me. Only way out is to struggle, narrow opening, tiny white glimpse of daybreak. In between rests I squirm and wrestle through. Shadows are invading, shadows are stealing, apparently defeating...I strive for daylight and make it through, but the shadows have made it too.
The shadows cover my eyes and I cannot see daylight anymore. I go back inside the chrysalis, the very house I clamored to escape from, seeking comfort and relief. Yet I still long for victory, out in the open where I am free.
Entering daylight once more, shadows clinging still. I bow my head and spread my wings and let the healing work of the Sun's rays begin to refine.
It is burning, I sob and want to run and hide but the shadows chase wherever I turn, except in the Sun, where love and fire collide.
The fire's work is finished, I rest and soak and bathe. My wings are strong and swiftly, silently, I flutter by. No need to labor any longer, the breeze gently guides and provides the fuel for my flight.
Only His fire can burn something so fragile, that is me, and preserve & strengthen at the same time. Flying and resting, resting and flying, the shadows I am able to resist, conquer and evade. I am a warrior butterfly.
Oh my goodness. This is so powerfully poetic. The most beautiful words I've read on your blog that put me in the exact feeling state you are in. What A gift sweet friend. I love you!
Posted by: Tracy | January 23, 2012 at 11:50 AM